Woodside Sunnyside Composting crew (WSCc or WSC)

Looking for how to help with the new Rusty Wheelbarrow Farm? Click here !

Who are we ?

We are Woodside Sunnyside Composting crew- WSCC, a group of volunteer that have been operating the community composting site at the Sunnyside Community Garden. Since the cancellation of the brown bin program we have seen a 5 to 6 fold increase of the volume of food scraps dropped off in our site and are literally running out of space. We also have been growing food of 5 plots in the community garden, generously allowed by the garden members who did not want to expose themselves to the risk associated with coming to the garden. Since March 2020, we have grown - and donated the Queens together and Woodside Sunnyside mutual aid pantries- almost 450 lbs of food so far. (last update 11/14/2020)

What are we trying to achieve with our petition?

Getting access to a city owned vacant lot (photos here) , to start an emergency a regenerative pantry farm to grow food for our neighbors in need and distribute the food produced to food pantries like Sunnyside Mutual Aid AND an emergency composting site to relieve our compositing site hosted by the Sunnyside community garden during the hiatus of the Brown Bin Program.

Check our petition page!!

After signing our petition here, please share it to your friends and family living in western queens, in particular in Woodside, Sunnyside, and LIC/Astoria.

If you have any questions/comments you can contact us at

Thank you

Food Scrap Drop Off

The Composting crew from Woodside Sunnyside Composting welcome your food waste every Sunday 2pm - 5pm at Sunnyside Community Gardens!

Check our Food scraps drop off page


Woodside Sunnyside Compost is a completely volunteer-run program. We need your help! We rely on individuals from our neighborhood to keep our site up and running. Please consider signing up for a one-hour shift this month. We welcome volunteer help on Saturdays, Sundays and sometimes other days. Check our volunteer page.

Events and workshops!

We have developed different programming to fit different groups, from open-house to programs for schools which can fit a science curriculum or environmental science curriculum, including observations of compost life under a microscope. Check our Events page!